Though I was reincarnated in this world as a heroine on the verge of a bad end /
I intend to fall in love but my cheat older brother won't let me go!? /
バッドエンド目前のヒロインに転生した私、今世では恋愛するつもりがチートな兄が離してくれません!? /
轉生成了即將進入壞結局的女主角,這輩子想要好好戀愛騙子哥哥卻不願對我放手? /
I Was Reincarnated as the Heroine on the Verge of a Bad Ending /
and I'm Determined to Fall in Love! «Official»

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[Chapter 1 - Chapter 11]
{Chapter 11 - 53 days ago}
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