After the passing of his parents, Koutarou finds himself managing their coffee shop alone. His only companion is a cat and, despite concerns from those around him about his loneliness, Koutarou struggles to forge deep connections with others. One day, a self-proclaimed angel appears before him — Rudy.
“I’ve been waiting. I want to hear you sing,” Rudy says. Koutarou’s heart skips a beat — he had abandoned music a long time ago.
Rudy decides to move in with Koutarou — not that Koutarou agreed to anything — and, from there, their life as housemates begins…
【押しかけ天使×ほだされお兄さんの優しい同棲BL】 亡くなった両親の喫茶店を、幸太郎は1人で経営している。家族は猫だけ、恋人なしという孤独な生活を周囲に心配されるも、人と深く関わる気になれない。そんな彼の前に現れたのは、自称天使の青年・ルディ。「ずっと待ってた。幸太郎の歌が聞きたい」つたない口調で伝えられたその言葉に、幸太郎の心が動く。――歌って、まさか昔やめた音楽のこと? 動揺する幸太郎をよそに、ルディはそのまま彼の家に居座ることを決めてしまう。なし崩しで同居生活が始まって――。