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Sad ending, but really moving!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): US/UK, France, China, Russia

Fallen angels would fall from heaven on Sunday mornings. Most of them were dead by the time they reached the ground. The carcasses of fallen angels were a precious food for the poor. One day, a young boy named Michel, who was scavenging the corpses of fallen angels, found an "egg" in the corpse of a fallen angel and brought it home. And a fallen angel was born. What is the future that the two, who met through a prank of fate, will choose?!

With his strikingly handsome appearance,
and his cool, relaxed manner,
an alpha male with a perfect physique, "Cha Jun-seo"
is known to all as the transfer student who leads a highly influential life.

The story unfolds based on the plot and chronicle of the DNF world view. This is Arad, a planet tormented by war and mutations. Countless journeys have started since then, leaving behind unforgettable stories in the past, present and future. The fates that are independent of each other but tied to each other create countless sparks. Let us witness the will of the warrior

The moment Duke Argus saved her, a refugee, Miel became a sunflower. And it’s been eight years since she earnestly buried that feeling in her heart… “Marry me.” The lord said to her, now a capable officer. “You seem to be the most steadfast.”

A special 20-page manga that features all of the characters from [Jashin-chan Dropkick]( This special manga was first sold at Comiket 103. (Source: [Author's Twitter/X Post](

15 years ago,Sarah Marine died gave birth to two twin boys by the seed of the Devil King Satan. The two boys,Daemon and Samael,were adopted and raised by an orphanage home,as instructed by the Order. One day,a demon invasion had caused the many to be injured and even killed,including Samael's death. From the day on,Daemon had sworn to become an exorcist and take his vengeance against Satan and the Legions of Hell.
7 years later,Daemon,the cool and cocky 15 year old,is recruited by the E.G.O.,a religious organization. He has grown into his own and has completed training with Robert Griffon,the highest of exorcist talents to be. Though he has gained more strength,he has much to learn before officially enrolling as an exorcist. Will his ambitions lead him to fulfill his mission or will he be corrupted by his dark desires?

Prussia is willing to do anything for his people. Even if it means reviving a dead country to give them a land to call their own. Holy Roman Empire/North Italy.

Humanity lost the war. Businessmen who sold out their fellow compatriots, hunters who turned to the monsters, stepping on countless human corpses, all in order to earn profit. The otherworldly monsters that entered our world seized it bit by bit like a raging fire. That was until Zuo Chi arrived.
"Back then you all were gladly invading our world, so why are you weeping now?"

No caminho para casa, Heather bêbada ajuda um elefante que está chorando porque seu nariz dói. Quando um pequeno elefante do tamanho da palma da mão é transformado em uma algema para o nariz, o elefante afirma ser o deus do desejo sexual e do afeto.
“Em troca, deixarei você compartilhar um amor apaixonado com o homem mais bonito do continente.”
No entanto, isso não foi uma bênção de Deus, mas uma maldição.

Losing one match after another, shogi prodigy Yuhi Ninomiya became a shadow of his former glorious self. It was then that he faced his old rival Kanata Kuji in an official match. However, the record-setting match ended with Kanata winning his 27th consecutive game, and Yuhi losing his 17th consecutive game. Feeling frustrated and depressed, Yuhi stops by a bar, when he has a fateful encounter with a certain girl! Her name is Tsuki Kayamori. Although she is overbearing, self-centered, and eccentric, her sharp and unorthodox playstyle is as if she was chosen by the shogi God!
(Source: K Manga)

Mitsu is in love with Madoka, who doesn't even know she exists. Mitsu's pretty happy stalking Madoka, but is a little careless about it and, one day, she's hit by a truck and killed. But now she can REALLY stalk Madoka - and drive away all the boys - and girls - that show any special interest in her. Woo-hoo! Plus she gets to be there when Madoka changes clothes and bathes, etc. etc. Mitsu's pretty happy with the deal. Then transfer student Kyouko shows up, declaring that when they were kids, Madoka and she had promised to marry one another. Mitsu tries her best to scare Kyouko off, but Kyouko is actually able to see Mitsu and isn't about to be budged.
Mitsu está apaixonada por Madoka, que nem sabe que ela existe. Mitsu sente-se feliz em perseguir Madoka, mas é um tanto desatenta quanto a isso, e, um dia, ela é atropelada e morta por um caminhão. Mas agora ela realmente pode perseguir Madoka - e espantar todos os garotos - e garotas - que demonstrem algum interesse especial nela. Uhul! Além do mas ela sempre está perto quando Madoka troca de roupa e toma banho, etc, etc. Mitsu ficou bem feliz com isso. Então a aluna transferida Kyouko aparece, dizendo que quando elas eram cianças, Madoka e ela prometeram se casar uma com a outra. Mitsu tenta ao máximo assustar Kyouko, mas Kyouko é capaz de ver Mitsu e não se importa com isso.

O retorno da boa aparência! E habilidades culinárias ainda por cima?!
Lee Heena, uma trabalhadora de escritório sul-coreana comum, de 25 anos.
Hoje, mais um dia comum completamente perdido em horas extras... foi o que ela pensou. Então ela acordou de repente. E então, de repente, caiu em uma masmorra.
“Deus, Buda, Alá! Por favor, deixe-me despertar como um caçador do tipo lutador! Se possível, um forte!!
Do desejo desesperado, o sistema respondeu.
[Você despertou como uma classe oculta, 'Governanta' (D)!]
Embora as habilidades de Heena em Arrancar Ervas (C), Exterminar Pragas (D), Este é o Gosto do Meu Toque Mágico (D) sejam muito útil na vida diária, ela conseguirá sobreviver com essas habilidades?!
Mas, o que é isso?
Kang Jinhyeon, o caçador de classe S número 1 da Coreia do Sul, tentou flertar.
“Vou deixar tudo o que tenho para você.”
“Caçador Kang Jinhyeon…”
“Sim. Você assumirá a responsabilidade por mim?
“Por que você me pede para ser sua governanta de uma forma tão estranha?!”
A vida cotidiana simples e comum com a qual Heena sonhou está bem?! Com um caracol falante e plantas de estimação em movimento ♥