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Under the rain, Fujiwara Kito fell in love at first sight. From this moment, she pursues her senpai, Tachibana Arise throughout their all-girls school.

During a rainy evening, is the start of the story between Myrtis and Dennis. Starting from a lie, and by creating more and more lies, Myrtis finally be able to be with Dennis's side. But how long will this situation going on?

An anthology of 4 early horror stories by Kanako Inuki. Originally published in Shoujo Friend/Fresh Friend magazines.

A short story anthology featuring a great many "glamorous" bodies.
001 - [Mori Kaoru] Ame-no-Uzume
002 [冨明仁] フワリンモーニン
003 [山田果苗] ぺらぺらまるまる
004 [九井諒子] 彼女へのなり方
005 [高橋拡那] 湯姫伝説
006 [志岐佳衣子] にゅうげーむ
007 [松本水星] MISS.ほほかべ図書館の魔力
008 [宮永麻也] スミレちゃんとコウタくん
009 [八重樫莉子] 僕だけのポートレー卜
010 [真冬麻里] デッサンの時間
011 [サワミソノ] 空が飛べるだけ
012 [町馬順子] セクシー ドラッグ
013 [なかま亜咲] 落ちオチまっぱ
014 [設楽清人] アラジン
015 [戎島実里] ホラー映画撮影
016 [大武政夫] 90 59 88
017 [川田大智] ヒッチハイク
018 [緒方波子] 恋と肉
019 [山高守人] ドロップ&グラマラス
020 [佐藤春美] 特権的肉体についての考察
021 [中西芙海] 探究者、その名はカー夕ー
022 [二宮香乃] リリスの悪魔的生活
023 [浅井海奈] ぽんぽこ!
024 [須川佳] 太陽の子どもたち
025 [富岡二郎] かなえて!イヌ松さま 憧れのボディー!の巻
026 [原鮎美] 怪盗インス夕 グラマラス
027 [上瀬達也 ] グラマラスで いこう!
028 [高江洲弥 ] カガミの国
029 [山本ルンルン] 愛しの赤ずきんちゃん
030 [比嘉史果] うけもちの神
031 [佐々大河] 玉華のチャイナドレス
032 [高橋拡那] グラマラ捨て山
- One of two special bonus books that you could receive if you sent in a ticket included with Harta 50-52.
2冊合わせて400ページを超える描き下ろし漫画を収録する冊子。2017年12月から翌年3月発売分の単行本に付属する応募券を、『ハルタ』volume50 - volume52に付いている応募台紙に貼り応募する事で2冊分が全員に送付された。これに関連してvolume50 - volume52には八重樫莉子による告知漫画が掲載されている。
001 [森薫] アメノウズメ
002 [冨明仁] フワリンモーニン
003 [山田果苗] ぺらぺらまるまる
004 [九井諒子] 彼女へのなり方
005 [高橋拡那] 湯姫伝説
006 [志岐佳衣子] にゅうげーむ
007 [松本水星] MISS.ほほかべ図書館の魔力
008 [宮永麻也] スミレちゃんとコウタくん
009 [八重樫莉子] 僕だけのポートレー卜
010 [真冬麻里] デッサンの時間
011 [サワミソノ] 空が飛べるだけ
012 [町馬順子] セクシー ドラッグ
013 [なかま亜咲] 落ちオチまっぱ
014 [設楽清人] アラジン
015 [戎島実里] ホラー映画撮影
016 [大武政夫] 90 59 88
017 [川田大智] ヒッチハイク
018 [緒方波子] 恋と肉
019 [山高守人] ドロップ&グラマラス
020 [佐藤春美] 特権的肉体についての考察
021 [中西芙海] 探究者、その名はカー夕ー
022 [二宮香乃] リリスの悪魔的生活
023 [浅井海奈] ぽんぽこ!
024 [須川佳] 太陽の子どもたち
025 [富岡二郎] かなえて!イヌ松さま 憧れのボディー!の巻
026 [原鮎美] 怪盗インス夕 グラマラス
027 [上瀬達也 ] グラマラスで いこう!
028 [高江洲弥 ] カガミの国
029 [山本ルンルン] 愛しの赤ずきんちゃん
030 [比嘉史果] うけもちの神
031 [佐々大河] 玉華のチャイナドレス
032 [高橋拡那] グラマラ捨て山

Tsukasa is entrusted with delivering documents to the Yakumo household, much to her chagrin.

High school freshman Eugene Korekishi is an honor student with zero psychic powers who does not believe in ghosts! However, his high school life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a maverick boy named Mogari Shishikuno, who exorcises ghosts by eating them!
Set in Kamakura, this coming-of-age comedy about a high school boy who dispels evil spirits begins!

Number one swordsman, also known as the “Little Sword Saint” of the Ninth Star Temple, faced a tragic fate. During a battle against an onslaught of extraterrestrial beasts, his father, known as the “Great Sword Saint,” heroically sacrificed himself.
In a cruel twist of fate, Sword Number One was ambushed and killed, carrying with him boundless resentment and unanswered questions. However, the wheel of destiny had other plans for him. He awoke in the body of an Earth child with the same name. Not only was this new life a lowly prisoner, but he also possessed the lowest-grade lineage of a worthless plant-based bloodline.

During the mid-19th century in Prussia, Dr. Maria Faust, known as the 'Witch of Könihilsberg' who made a pact with the devil Mephistopheles, meets Martin, a curious young man who dreams of becoming a novelist, while on a journey to find 'a way to bring the dead back to life'. .
Faust is once knocked down by the villain Valentin, who was hostile to him, but rises again with the help of Martin, who admires her, and his student Wagner.
After that, Faust finds the truth he has been looking for, but he also realizes his mistakes... In the end, Faust finally feels the joy of life by saving the dying.
Was she really a witch?
19세기 중반 프로이센, 악마 메피스토펠레스와 계약한 ‘쾨니힐스베르크의 마녀’라 불리는 마리야 파우스트 박사는 ‘죽은 사람을 살릴 수 있는 방법’을 찾기 위한 여행길 도중 소설가를 꿈꾸는 호기심 많은 청년 마르틴과 만나게 된다. 파우스트는 그를 적대시하던 악인 발렌틴에 의해 한 차례 무너지지만, 그녀를 흠모하는 마르틴과 제자 바그너의 도움으로 다시 일어선다. 온갖 일들 끝에 파우스트는 그토록 찾던 진리를 찾지만, 자신의 잘못 또한 깨닫는데… 결국 죽어가는 이들을 살리면서 마침내 삶의 환희를 느끼게 된 파우스트. 그녀는 과연 마녀였을까?

A duke's daughter and the crown prince's fiancee...
I, Rachel Sheringham, was both and wielded dark attribute magic, which allowed me to use necromancy. I was accused of colluding with demons due to it and was executed.
With regret as my source of power, I will return to life as a lich!!!

Our main character, who is exhausted from being a corporate slave, gets transported to another world and lives as a pet of Heteromorphic head-san.
They both have romantic feelings for each other, however, because of their racial differences, they can’t seem to progress, but…

“Wanna work as an actor with me then?”
Byeol’s eyes were left wide open by Woohyeon, the new Executive of ‘Pine Entertainment’
Byeol, who was part of the ‘Lala Girls’ idol group that did not succeed and was on the brink of disbandment. But an offer of being an actor, not even a singer to her? Byeol opened her mouth cautiously. “Can I really succeed if I become an actor?” Byeol didn’t seem to know yet, but Woohyeon could see the ‘SuperStar Talent’ she had within her. Woohyeon said confidently, “Don’t worry, I’ll raise you into a superstar!”

One day, I met a spirit. And it wasn't just anyone, but a gumiho puppy. As I worried about the little one's fate, I met a priestess from the eastern continent, who told me to raise him until he reached maturity and then send him back home. Raising a little fox...
How could a cursed human welcome and care for a young life? It was strange and scary, but I couldn't refuse.
The fox, Ran, was just adorable. So, with much love and care, I raised him... But when he grew up, he became as seductive as I've heard of his kind, and he refused to be independent. All the training he had given seemed to have been in vain, with that lewd look.
"You can’t run away."
"Keep being good and help me, Scyllia. By my side."

'Märchen' is a miserable woman who ends up raising the children of the woman her husband once loved even before the pain of her miscarriage subsides. 'Ye-hee', who is possessed by such a fairy, unexpectedly realizes at once that these children are her deceased younger siblings.
Although it is a harsh reality for Marchen, 'Yehee', who carries the memories of her past life, cherishes and loves her children, who are the reincarnations of her younger siblings, and protects her children with her life from beings that target them...
As shown in the novel , the ancient dragon 'Eskaya' who protected the country left behind three treasures in the empire. Under threat from speculation that her children may have one of the treasures, will Yehee be able to protect her children with her husband and discover the secret of their possession in this world?

Series Order:
1. Doukyuusei
2. Sotsugyousei
3. Sora to Hara (Side Story)
4. O.B.
5. Doukyuusei & Sotsugyousei Fanbook (Side Story)
6. Graduation Certificate (Artbook)
7. blanc
8. home
9. Sajou Rihito no Chichi to Sono Buka (Side Story)

Bomtoon, Lezhin

Andro Trio features a young female android, Tsukasa, who despite being in elementary school still wears a diaper and often wets herself. Tsukasa regularly finds herself in erotic scenarios.
While originally published as shonen, later prints are labeled for adults and they included more erotica.