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Comic☆Hoshi Shinichi

Comic☆Hoshi Shinichi

コミック☆星新一 / Afternoon Dinosaur, The Gate to Space, The Friendly Demon, The Guest From the Space, Doubt
Kazuya Tsurumaki / 鶴巻 和哉 / Mohiro Kitoh / 鬼頭 莫宏 / Kitou Mohiro / Takako Shimura / 志村 貴子 / Shiori Teshirogi / 手代木 史織 / Mystery Bonita / Nikki Asada / アサダ ニッキ / Hisae Iwaoka / 岩岡 ヒサエ / Jun Abe / 阿部 潤 / Masakazu Ishiguro / 石黒 正数 / Hideji Oda / 小田 ひで次 / Madoka Kawaguchi / 川口 まどか / Shuuzou Oshimi / 押見 修造 / Toshinao Aoki / 青木 俊直 / KUJIRA / Youko Imamura / 今村 陽子 / Yoko Imamura / Kiki / 木々 / Peko Watanabe / 渡辺 ペコ / Yumiko Shirai / 白井 弓子 / Kanako Nanamaki / 奈々巻 かなこ / Sayman Dowman / 道満 晴明 / G Kun Dow / ジークンドー / Douman Seiman / Tomo Aoki / 青木 朋 / Tsuchika Nishimura / 西村 ツチカ / Shiho Suzuki / 鈴木 志保 / Sakuya Hikochi / 比古地 朔弥 / Masumi Sudou / 須藤 真澄 / Kei Arita / 有田 景
Vol.4 Ch.21
Arcana 08 - Butler II

Arcana 08 - Butler II

Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 8 - Shitsuji II / Arcana - Butler II / Mr Finding / Butler Hassle / From Today / I'm a Butler! / Butler Game / Le Droit d'aimer / The Apprenctice Butler and His Mistress / Brilliant Emerald / The Nagging Butler Likes Troubl / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (8) [執事Ⅱ] / Arcana - Shitsuji II / Mr. Finding / From Today, I’m a Butler! / The Nagging Butler Likes Troublemakers / Tarte Tatin / The Mistress’ Favourite / A Distance at Which Tea Doesn’t Cool / The Master, His Butler, and a Magical Book / The Courtyard Secret / The Butler Is Useless? / Butler-Battle / Mr. Butler / I’m a Butler! / Le Droit d’aimer / From Today, I'm a Butler! / The Mistress' Favourite / A Distance at Which Tea Doesn't Cool
anthology / asato asahina / aya takamiya / fukusuke miyamoto / haruka mazaki / hitomi usaki / ichiha akizuki / jam / mariko kawazoe / mayu kosugi / mushi ishikawa / sachiko nakamura / setsuko yoneyama / shinobu takayama / tatsune seno / touya mikanagi / yaku haibara / yashirou saeki / yasuka asada / yuu geni
The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive (Promo)

The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive (Promo)

The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive (Promo) / 집착 광공들이 잡아먹으려고 해
Shin Saebyeok / Yuwoon
🇰🇷Oneshot,Webtoon,Reincarnation,Romance,Isekai,Fantasy,Full Color
Vol.0 Ch.1
Moonshark: Sharks Are Born To Be Stars

Moonshark: Sharks Are Born To Be Stars

From Underwater Princess to Celebrity / Moon Shark: From Underwater Princess to Celebrity / Moonshark: How The Princess Debuts / Moonshark: Sharks Are Born to Be Stars / Moonshark: Sharks Are Born With Stars / ムーンシャーク~推し活してたらスターになりました!?~ / 문샤크: 상어가 스타성을 타고남
- / Kim Eunto / Shin Saebyeok / Eunssom
Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life
Chapter 5
Hangah, Lee

Hangah, Lee

항아, 籬(리) / Hang-Ah, Li, Dream Fantasia
Mink / Sae Rom Ok / 옥 새롬
Vol.03 Ch.027
Dream Fantasia

Dream Fantasia

Hangah / Lee / Dream Fantasia / Hang-Ah / Li
ok sae rom (story & art)
Arcana 11 - Time Travel / Time Traveller

Arcana 11 - Time Travel / Time Traveller

ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (11) [時間旅行/タイムトラベラー] / Arcana - Jikanryokou / Taimu Torabera / Arcana - Time Travel and Time Travelers / Arcana - Time Traveling / Arcana - Jikanryokou / Time Traveler / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 11 - Jikanryokou/Time Traveller / A Watch Seller Travels Through Time / The Classroom Where He Is / The Person from the Future is Next to You / Time Travel / The Professor and the Strange Love and Hate / Samurais / Mushroom and Kappa - Time Travel Chapter / Memento Mori / Darkness Future Design / You Can’t Travel Through Dimensions / If Time / Nankai Loop? / Future Tedium Efforts Record / When I Came Home, There was a Samurai / After Long Long Years / You Can't Travel Through Dimensions
erika kari / guriko magami / igarashi ran / kanade tokitoh / keiko takechi / mame serikawa / maro sakura / nanae mitsu / natsuo kumeta / pizu gunjou / sakura kinoshita / setsuko yoneyama / shinobu takayama / verno mikawa / yashirou saeki
Arcana 08 - Butler Ii

Arcana 08 - Butler Ii

A Distance at Which Tea Doesn’t Cool / Arcana - Butler 2 / Arcana - Butler II / Arcana - Shitsuji II / Arcana 08: Butler / Arcana 8 / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (8) [執事Ⅱ] / Brilliant Emerald / Butler Game / Butler Hassle / Butler-Battle / From Today, I’m a Butler! / Le Droit d'aimer / Mr. Butler / Mr. Finding / Tarte Tatin / The Apprentice Butler and His Mistress / The Butler Is Useless? / The Courtyard Secret / The Master, His Butler and a Magical Book / The Mistress’ Favourite / The Nagging Bu
Arcana Anthology / Akizuki Ichiha / Asada Yasuka / Asahina Asato / Geni Yuu / Haibara Yaku / Ishikawa Mushi / Jam / Kawazoe Mariko / Kosugi Mayu / Mazaki Haruka / Mikanagi Touya / Miyamoto Fukusuke / Nakamura Sachiko / Saeki Yas

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