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Altair: A Record of Battles
将国のアルタイル / Shoukoku no Altair / The Stratocracy of Altair, Anastasia no Shinei Taichou, Anastasia's Captain of the Guard, Rising Eagle of the General Nation
Shounen Sirius / Kotono Katou
Shoukoku No Altair
将国のアルタイル (Japanese) / 将国之天鹰星 (Chinese) / ALTAIR ดาวจรัสฟ้า อินทรีถลาลม (Thai) / Altair Tale of The Great War (English) / Altair ve Savaşlar Kitabı (Turkish) / Altair: A Record of Battles / Anastasia no Shinei Taichou / Anastasia's Captain of the Guard / Rising Eagle of the General Nation / Shokoku no Altair / Türkiyeli Alnaşr Altair (Türkiye)
Katou Kotono