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Junji Ito's Dissolving Classroom
溶解教室 / Youkai Kyoushitsu / Supernatural Classroom, Dissolving Series, Youkai Bijo, Youkai Apartment, Chizumi no Koi, Akuma no Kaiken, Daichi no Ko, Dissolving Beauty, Chizumi in Love, Interview with the Devil, The Return, Children of the Earth
Junji Ito / 伊藤 潤二 / motto!
Omaera Zenin Mendokusai!
お前ら全員めんどくさい! / You're all annoying!
Comic Meteor / TOBI / トビ
Joshiraku dj - Mendokuse Onna
めんどくせー女 / Joshiraku dj - An Annoying Woman
3u / orz / 3u orz
1Doujinshi,Comedy,Romance,Shoujo ai
Retort Pouch!
レトルトパウチ! / "Futsuu no Onnanoko" ja Dame desu ka?
Mengo Yokoyari / 横槍 メンゴ / Miracle Jump
Boku no Goshujinsama
僕のご主人さま / My Dear Master, The Age that is in Love, How to Train a Cat, The Young Master and Punishment, Together with a Wolf, Ballad of Spring Love, Gentle Palms, The Garden Where an Angel Lives
Bonta Ooki / おおき ぼん太
Cigarette Anthology
シガレットアンソロジー / Cigarette Anthology: Menthol, Cigarette Anthology: Light, Tobacco Anthology
Yasuo Ohtagaki / 太田垣 康男 / Yasuo Ootagaki / Big Gangan / Oh! Great / 大暮 維人 / Oogure Ito / Inio Asano / 浅野 いにお / Natsume Ono / オノ ナツメ / basso / Tooru Uchimizu / 内水 融 / Mengo Yokoyari / 横槍 メンゴ / Ryuu Mizunagi / 水薙 竜 / Takashi Kira / きら たかし / Shinichi Sugimura / すぎむら しんいち / Shouichi Taguchi / 田口 囁一 / 感傷ベクトル / Kanshou Vector / Fumiko Fumi / ふみ ふみこ / Misaki Harukawa / 春川 三咲
The Sect Master Is Not an Idiot!
Bu Er Zhangmen / 不二掌门
sanfu interactive entertainment
Action,Martial Arts,Romance,Fantasy
Juujin Taichou no (Kari) Konyaku Jijou
獣人隊長の(仮)婚約事情 / The Case of the Beastkin Captain's Temporary Engagement
Zero-Sum Online / Isshin Momokado / 百門 一新 / Kaoru Harugano / 春が野 かおる
Agnes Kamen
アグネス仮面 / Agunesu Kamen
Big Comic Spirits / Minoru Hiramatsu / ヒラマツ ミノル
Itsuka Kamen wo Nugu Tame ni: Warau Kishin to Yumemiru Dorei
いつか仮面を脱ぐ為に ~嗤う鬼神と夢見る奴隷~ / One Day to Take Off the Mask: A Sneering Demon-God and a Dreaming Slave
Ichirou Sakaki / 榊 一郎 / Manga UP! / Murokouichi / ムロコウイチ
Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu
荒野に獣 慟哭す / Wailing Beasts in the Wilderness, In Wilder, the Beast Doth Lament
Magazine-Z / Baku Yumemakura / 夢枕 獏 / Sei Itoh / 伊藤 勢
Mouthfeel Harassment
食感♥ハラスメント / Shokkan♥Harassment / Hitoriyogari Cactus
GUSH pêche / Hokke Shima / 縞 ほっけ / 抵触 / Teishoku
Violence & Peace
バイオレンス&ピース / Violence Becomes Tranquility, Otoko wa Dokyou, Kokoro no Uchinaru Koe wo Kike!, Uchuu e Mukatte Tobidasenai, Zetsumeisha, Choukousoku no Kaori, Government wo Motta Shounen
Shinobu Kaze / 風 忍
The Outsider
アウトサイダー / Outsider / Chuunikai no Aru Ie, Nijuurokunin no Otoko to Hitori no Shoujo, Juga, The House with the Mezzanine, Twenty-six Men and a Girl
Comic Beam / H. P. Lovecraft / Gou Tanabe / 田辺 剛 / 田邊 剛 / Tsuyoshi Tanabe / Anton Chekhov / Maxim Gorky
Men of Tattoos
刺青の男 / Shisei no Otoko / Shinsei no Otoko
Opera / Yuiji Aniya / 阿仁谷 ユイジ / Aniya Gumi / Aniya Group
Scum's Wish
クズの本懐 / Kuzu no Honkai / Nyan Nyan Prelude, Serenade, Oratorio, Cantata, Andante, Kuzu no Honkai Décor
Big Gangan / Mengo Yokoyari / 横槍 メンゴ
Ms. Koizumi loves ramen noodles.
ラーメン大好き小泉さん / Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san
Naru Narumi / 鳴見 なる / Manga Life STORIA
Immoral garden
背徳の庭 / Haitoku no Niwa
Cheri+ / Iroito / 色糸 / Koi no Danmenzu / 恋の断面図
Anonymous Noise
覆面系ノイズ / Fukumenkei Noise / Tsuiraku Jelly
Hana to Yume / Ryoco Fukuyama / 福山 リョウコ / Ryoko Fukuyama
The Gentleman's Alliance Cross
紳士同盟† / Shinshi Doumei Cross / The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, Shinshi Doumei +, Umi no Chikyuugi Nocturne, The Globe of the Sea - Nocturne, Shoujo Eve Ringo Jikake no 24 Ji, Shojo Eve: Eve's Applework 24 Hours, Kusame and Komaki and the Key of Love, Umi no C
Arina Tanemura / 種村 有菜 / Ribon Magazine
Ikemen Gohan at After School
放課後のイケメンごはん / Houkago no Ikemen Gohan
Shounen Magazine R / Keiko Hirayama / 平山 景子
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Comedy,Slice of Life
Usagi-moku Shachiku-ka
ウサギ目社畜科 / Department of Corporate Slave Rabbits
Ultra Jump / Kamiya Fujisawa / 藤沢 カミヤ
Super Dimensional Love Gun
恋の超時空砲 / Koi no Choujikuuhou / Super-dimensional Love Gun, Japan's Number One Beauty Town, Konno Shigure's Blessed Daily Life, Lament of the Headless, White String, Oral Cavity Contagion Syndrome, Collecting Touch, Collecting Water, Station Toono, Station India, Invis, Local Tourist In
Shintarou Kago / 駕籠 真太郎
Koakuma wa Ore no Iinari
小悪魔は俺のいいなり / Devil Day, Samenai Yume nara Nandodemo, Catch Up, Precious Ring, Respect, The Small Devil is Under My Control
Saiki Emika / 彩木 咲花
Renai Kyoutei: Nukegake Nashi!
恋愛協定 ~抜け駆けナシ! / Romance Agreement: Don't Steal a March on me!
Maki Kazumi / 鹿住 槇 / Yaya Sakuragi / 桜城 やや
Choujin Gakuen: Konton Mouryou Seishun Jihen
超人学園 〜混沌魍魎青春事変〜 / Chojin Gakuen, Superfolk Academy: All Kinds of Disorderly Spirits and Goblins Youth Uprising, Supermen Academy, Supernatural School, Super School
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine / Yousuke Kokuzawa / 石沢 庸介
Café Men!
カフェ男! / Cafe Otoko!
Ryo Takagi / 高城 リョウ / Ryou Takagai / Hazuki Ryouka / Chara
Dimension Movement of Nazca
ナスカ / Nazca / Jikuu Tenshou Nazca
Akira Himekawa / 姫川 明
Same Difference
どっちもどっち / Docchi mo Docchi / Mega-dere, Maji desu., Endoo-kun nara Shikataganai, Omee wa Chotto Oni sugiru, Docchi mo Docchi!!! Daisan no Ikemen
Gush / Nozomu Hiiragi / 柊 のぞむ