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Mune ga Naru no wa Kimi no Sei
胸が鳴るのは君のせい / Bye Bye Regret, Koisuru Usotsuki
Betsucomi / Risa Konno / 紺野 りさ
A Story About a Shitty Mom Whose Body Is Taken Over by an Alien
A Story About a Shitty Mom Whose Body Is Taken Over by an Alien / Kuzu na Hahaoya no Shintai ni Yasashii Uchuujin ga Narikawatte Musume no Tame ni Chikyuujin no Shigoto wo Ganbaru Hanashi. / Watashi no Okaa-san / わたしのお母さん / クズな母親の身体に優しい宇宙人が成り代わって娘の為に地球人の仕事を頑張る話。
Usaya Mame
210🇯🇵Comedy,Horror,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Boukensha Party o tsuihou sareta kaifukushi shoujo o hirotte ikusei shitara masaka no saikyou shokugyou ni tenshoku!? Omake ni kanojo no yousu ga nani yara okashikute...
Boukensha Party o tsuihou sareta kaifukushi shoujo o hirotte ikusei shitara masaka no saikyou shokugyou ni tenshoku!? Omake ni kanojo no yousu ga nani yara okashikute... / 冒険者パーティーを追放された回復士の少女を拾って育成したら、まさかの最強職業に転職!? おまけに彼女の様子が何やらおかしくて... / After picking up and training a recovery girl who was banished from the adventurer party, she changed jobs to the strongest profession!?
Seiro / Hoshi Kuzushi / Eeru
Kiss that Started a Love
キスだけじゃかえさない。 / Kiss dake ja Kaesanai / Kiss Is Not Enough, Kiss that Began a Love, Kiss that Started a Love, Kiss Dakejya Kaesanai
Sho-Comi / Iori Shigano / しがの 夷織
The "HENTAI" prince and the stony cat.
変態王子と笑わない猫。 / Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. / Perverted Prince and the Cat who doesn't Smile
Kantoku / カントク / 5-nenme no Houkago / 5年目の放課後 / 5th Year's After School / Sou Sagara / さがら 総
2🇯🇵Manga,Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,Harem,School Life,Supernatural
Mendokusagari Danshi ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi
めんどくさがり男子が朝起きたら女の子になっていた話 / A Lazy Guy Woke Up as a Girl One Morning, Mendokusagari Danshi Koukousei ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi
Kina Kobayashi / 小林 キナ / Manga UP!
1🇯🇵Comedy,Gender Bender
The Boy Who Got Scouted
The Boy Who Got Scouted / 男の子がスカウトされる漫画
Kiyu Fuyuki
Her Life is Comicalized
Jibun no Koto ga Katte ni Manga ni Sareteru Onnanoko / 自分の事が勝手に漫画にされてる女の子
21Abyss Calling
Abissu Karingu / アビス・コーリング / 元廃課金ゲーマーが最低最悪のソシャゲ異世界に召喚されたら
tsukikage / nomura eji
22The Cute Girl Sitting Next To Me Is Trying To Make Me Fall In Love With Her As A Way To Ridicule Me, But The Tables Were Turned On Her Before She Knew It
My Seatmate Tries to Make Me Fall in Love with Her by Teasing Me Repeatedly, but Somehow She Was the One Who Fell / Tonari no Seki ni Natta Bishoujo ga Horesaseyou to Karakatte Kuru ga Itsunomanika Kaeriuchi ni Shite Ita / 隣の席になった美少女が惚れさせようとからかってくるがいつの間にか返り討ちにしていた
Aresanzui / 宮古蜂
1Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
The Story of Finding Out the Onee-san's True Character on the First Date
The Story of Finding Out the Onee-san's True Character on the First Date / 初デートでおねえさんの本性が分かっていく話
Kurachi Chihiro
Our House Is a Haunted Rental Bookstore
わが家は幽世の貸本屋さん / Wagaya wa Kakuriyo no Kashihonya-san
Shinobumaru / 忍丸 / Medamayaki / 目玉焼き / Comic ELMO
🇯🇵Drama,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Dragonrider Counterattack
逆襲のドラゴンライダー / Gyakushuu no Dragon Rider
Comic Alive / Riri Sagara / さがら 梨々
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Ecchi,Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts
Ayakashitsukai no Yomesagashi
アヤカシ遣いの嫁さがし / Koi no Ayakashi, Yomesagashi, Ayakashi Yome Kitan, The Ayakashi Tamer's Search for a Bride
Be x Boy GOLD / Tiger Gojoe / 五城 タイガ
Yuusha-Sama Ni Ikinari Kyuukonsareta No Desu Ga
勇者様にいきなり求婚されたのですが / 我突然被勇者大人求婚了 / Yuusha-sama ni Ikinari Kyuukon Sareta no Desu ga / The hero suddenly proposed to me, but . . .
Togashi Seiya / Watanabe Una
Heika, Kokoro no Koe ga Dadamore desu!
陛下、心の声がだだ漏れです! / Your Majesty, the Voice of Your Heart is Leaking Out!
Flos Comic / Mimasaka / みまさか / Shirohi / シロヒ
Hazukashigariya no Salamanko-san
Dragon Age / Ayuka / あゆか / BIBASUKU
A Story About A Part-Time Leader During The Day And Spy At Night, Suspected By A JK
A Story About A Part-Time Leader During The Day And Spy At Night, Suspected By A JK / 昼はバイトリーダー、夜はスパイのおじさんがJKに疑われる話 / Hiru wa Baito Leader, Yoru wa Spy no Oji-san ga JK ni Utagawareru Hanashi
A Lazy Guy Woke Up As A Girl One Morning
About a Lazy Guy Who Woke Up as a Girl One Morning,Mendokusagari Danshi ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi,mendokusagari danshi ga asaokitara onnanoko ni natteita hanashi,めんどくさがり男子が朝起きたら女の子になっていた話
Kina Kobayashi
1Comedy,Gender Bender,School Life
The Duke’s Daughter Who Was a Villain in Her Previous Lives Was Entrusted with Training a Hikikomori Prince
The Duke’s Daughter Who Was a Villain in Her Previous Lives Was Entrusted with Training a Hikikomori Prince / 前世悪役だった令嬢が、引き籠りの調教を任されました
Tai Noel / Kudan Sogou
15🇯🇵Reincarnation,Comedy,Isekai,Fantasy,Villainess,Slice of Life
Oshiego ni Kyouhaku sareru no wa Hanzai desu ka?
教え子に脅迫されるのは犯罪ですか? / Is it a Crime if You're Threatened by Your Student?
Sou Sagara / さがら 総 / Momoco / ももこ / Momoko
Betabore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Saresou nanode.
ベタ惚れの婚約者が悪役令嬢にされそうなので。 / The Beloved Fiancée Is Likely to Be the Villain, The Fiancee Whom I'm Deeply in Love Is Almost Made to Be a Villainess, so the Heroine Side Will Be Paid for What They Did.
MAGCOMI / Mimu Oyamada / おやまだ みむ / Neko Shakushi / 杓子 ねこ
Story of an Exiled Villainess Possessed by the Soul of an Isekai Reincarnation
Story of an Exiled Villainess Possessed by the Soul of an Isekai Reincarnation / 国外追放された悪役令嬢に異世界転生者の魂が憑依して無双する話
Hatsujou 5 byou mae ponkotsu arasaa airu san ga alpha no ouji ni aorarete masu
Hatsujou 5 byou mae ponkotsu arasaa airu san ga alpha no ouji ni aorarete masu / Five Seconds Before My First Love / Five Seconds Before My First Love! A Worn-Out Lady in Her Thirties Is Stirred up by an Alpha Prince / Five Seconds Before My/One's First Love ~ Worn-Out Lady in Her Thirties Is Stirred up by an Alpha Prince / 初情5秒前!ポンコツアラサー愛留さんがαの王子に煽られてます。
Miss Healer is Acting a Little Strange
Miss Healer is Acting a Little Strange / ヒーラーさんの様子がおかしい
Yasuhara Hirokazu
Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love
愛されたがりの処方箋 / Aisaretagari no Shohousen / Prescriptions for Those Who Want to Be Loved
Utsumi Long / ロング 内海ロング / Long Mouse / Alpha Nezumi Alpha (Long) / ネズミα (ロング)
After School, There Are Faces That The Cool Minagawa-san Shows Only To Me
After School, There Are Faces That The Cool Minagawa-san Shows Only To Me / クール女子の水無川さんは、放課後俺にしか見せない顔がある
Kamemizu Tora
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Full Color
For imperfect people
不完全な人の為に / Fukanzen na Hito no Tame ni
Higashi 385 / 東385 / Higashi Sanhachigo / ひがしさんはちご / Gangan pixiv
1🇯🇵Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Knight wa Oatsui no ga Osuki♥
ナイトはお熱いのがお好き♥ / The Knight Likes It Hot
Sae Momoki / 桃季 さえ
🇯🇵Shounen ai
Roll Over and Die: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword!
「お前ごときが魔王に勝てると思うな」と勇者パーティを追放されたので、王都で気ままに暮らしたい THE COMIC / "Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omouna" to Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou sareta node, Outo de Kimama ni Kurashitai the Comic / Do You Think Someone like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord?
Sunao Minakata / 南方 純 / Comic Ride / kiki
🇯🇵Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Sasuga no Sarutobi
さすがの猿飛 / Clever Sarutobi, Amazing Sarutobi, Chubby Ninja, The Academy of Ninjas
Shounen Sunday / Fujihiko Hosono / 細野 不二彦
🇯🇵Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Romance
Mudameshi kurai nintei sareta node aisoo tsukashi teikoku ni utsute shusse suru ookuku no erai hitoni wa sore ga wakara no desu
無駄飯食らい認定されたので愛想をつかし、帝国に移って出世する ~王国の偉い人にはそれが分からんのです~
Jin Aino
友達のお母さんが〝お茶目〟すぎる / La mère de mon amie est trop "espiègle".
Shiraishi Kouhei
3🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,Slice of Life,Gyaru
The Story of Our Corpse Hunt
The Story of Our Corpse Hunt / ぼくたちの死体さがし / Bokutachi no Shitai Sagashi / Finding Our Corpses
Yamazaki Housui