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Kirby & Animal Crossing - A Perfect StreetPass Day (Doujinshi)

Kirby & Animal Crossing - A Perfect StreetPass Day (Doujinshi)

A Jumbled Book of StreetPass Mii Plaza, Kirby, and Animal Crossing / Kirby & Doubutsu no Mori dj - Surechigai Biyori / Surechigai Biyori / すれちがいMii広場カービィどうぶつの森ごちゃまぜ本 / すれちがい日和
Matsuyama Noboru
Chapter 0
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - Give Blessings To This Useless Trio!  (Doujinshi)

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - Give Blessings To This Useless Trio! (Doujinshi)

(C91) [Onsoku (Yuuki Sonisuke)] Kono Tsukaenai Sannin ni Syukufuku o! (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Syukufuku o!) / (C91) [おんそく(ゆうきそにすけ)] この使えない三人に祝福を! (この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!)
Onsoku / Yuuki Sonisuke
Chapter 0
Love Live! - Nozomi-san ga Kaze wo Hiita you desu. (Doujinshi)

Love Live! - Nozomi-san ga Kaze wo Hiita you desu. (Doujinshi)

(Bokura no Love Live! 15) Nozomi-san Has Caught a Cold (Love Live!) / (僕らのラブライブ!15) 希さんが風邪をひいたようです。 (ラブライブ!)
hinano / nanohanatea* (circle)
Chapter 0
WataMote - Since I'm a College Student, I'll Share a Room (Doujinshi)

WataMote - Since I'm a College Student, I'll Share a Room (Doujinshi)

Daigakusei Dashi Roomshare Suru (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omae ga Warui!) / 大学生だしルームシェアする (私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!)
nekomonido sanada
Doujinshi,Comedy,Slice of Life
5Toubun no Hanayome - Pop Quiz! (Yotsuba Doujinshi)

5Toubun no Hanayome - Pop Quiz! (Yotsuba Doujinshi)

[問題です。今日の私はいつもとどこが違うでしょーか] / Pop quiz! What's different about me today?
Chapter 0
Replicant - Hitsuji no Dolly wo Aisuru to Iu Koto -

Replicant - Hitsuji no Dolly wo Aisuru to Iu Koto -

レプリカント ―羊のドリーを愛するということ―
yamada supokon
Vol.1 Ch.4
Toshishita Kareshi ni Hirowaremashita Doujin

Toshishita Kareshi ni Hirowaremashita Doujin

Anta ga Omou Hodo Otona Janaishi / Despite Him Being Younger, There Are Various Things That I Worry About / My Younger Boyfriend is Occasionally So Cute it Kills Me / Toshishita Kareshi ga Tamani Kawaikute Komarimasu. / Toshishita no Kuseni Iroiro Sugokute Komarimasu / You're Not As Grown Up As You Think / アンタが思うほど大人じゃないし / 年下のくせにいろいろすごくて困ります / 年下彼氏がたまにかわいくて困ります。
8go! / miyoshi ayato
The Story Of Getting Dumped So Often That You Think "whatever, I'm Fine With Him" And Genderswap Your Best Friend And Can't Undo It

The Story Of Getting Dumped So Often That You Think "whatever, I'm Fine With Him" And Genderswap Your Best Friend And Can't Undo It

Arcana Famiglia - It seems that the old man is respected on the Senior Citizen’s Day (Doujinshi)

Arcana Famiglia - It seems that the old man is respected on the Senior Citizen’s Day (Doujinshi)

Haikyuu!! - Dou mo Shiyou Nai no Desu (Doujinshi)

Haikyuu!! - Dou mo Shiyou Nai no Desu (Doujinshi)

「ハイキュー!! 」どうしようもないのです / Haikyuu!! dj - I Can't Help It
Uchi no Obaa-chan ga Motoyan ni Nerawarete imasu!

Uchi no Obaa-chan ga Motoyan ni Nerawarete imasu!

My Grandma is Being Targeted by a Former Delinquent! / うちのおばあちゃんが元ヤンに狙われています!
Koisuru Onnanoko wa Itsumo

Koisuru Onnanoko wa Itsumo

こいのゆくえは / しゅうこちゃんのおかし / 恋する女の子はいつも / รักเล็กๆ ของสาววัยใส (Thai) / And Twinkle / Bit by Bit / Candy Charm / Koi no Yukue wa / Koi suru Onnanoko wa Itsumo / Shuko's Snack / Shuuko-chan no Okashi
yomoto shimako
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Saikin, Imouto No Yousu Ga Chotto Okashii N Da Ga.

Saikin, Imouto No Yousu Ga Chotto Okashii N Da Ga.

最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが / 最近、我的妹妹有点怪 / Lately, My Little Sister has been a Bit Strange / Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashii n da ga, พักนี้น้องสาวของพี่ดูแปลกไป
Matsuzawa Mari
I really love these kind of stories where the positions in a boy-girl relationship gets reversed after a few years. The girl on top, of course.

I really love these kind of stories where the positions in a boy-girl relationship gets reversed after a few years. The girl on top, of course.

I really love these kind of stories where the positions in a boy-girl relationship gets reversed after a few years. The girl on top, of course. / こういう数年後立場逆転する男女関係がめちゃくちゃ好き。女子のが上で。
Shirakawa Miabi
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
I Like These Kind of Stories

I Like These Kind of Stories

I Like These Kind of Stories / こういうの好きです
Vol.0 Ch.0
The Dashing Man Talks About Something Ridiculously Trivial But Makes It Sound Interesting With the Vibe Going On

The Dashing Man Talks About Something Ridiculously Trivial But Makes It Sound Interesting With the Vibe Going On

The Dashing Man Talks About Something Ridiculously Trivial But Makes It Sound Interesting With the Vibe Going On / すごいしょうもない話なのに雰囲気でそれっぽくしてくるイケオジ
Takaki Tsuyoshi
🇯🇵Oneshot,Slice of Life
Vol.0 Ch.0
One Where Sadako's Boobs Get 1cm Bigger For Each Like

One Where Sadako's Boobs Get 1cm Bigger For Each Like

One Where Sadako's Boobs Get 1cm Bigger For Each Like / 1いいねごとに貞子のおっぱいが1cm大きくなり、かわいそうな親子が救われるタイプのやつです
Horie Ryu
🇯🇵Thriller,Ghosts,Comedy,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Vol.0 Ch.1
Dekisokonai no Himegimi-tachi - Dekihime no Usui Hon (Doujinshi)

Dekisokonai no Himegimi-tachi - Dekihime no Usui Hon (Doujinshi)

Dekisokonai no Himegimi-tachi - Dekihime no Usui Hon (Doujinshi) / できそこないの姫君たち - でき姫のうすい本 (同人誌) / Failed Princesses - Useful Princesses Thin Book (Doujinshi)
Vol.0 Ch.3
Kirby & Animal Crossing dj - A Perfect StreetPass Day

Kirby & Animal Crossing dj - A Perfect StreetPass Day

Kirby & Animal Crossing dj - A Perfect StreetPass Day / Surechigai Biyori - Surechigai Mii Hiroba, Kirby, Doubutsu no Mori, Gochamase Hon / すれちがい日和 すれちがいMii広場 カービィどうぶつの森 ごちゃまぜ本 / StreetPassing: A Jumbled Book on the StreetPass Mii Plaza, Kirby, and Animal Crossing (Doujinshi)
Nintendo / Matsuyama Noboru
🇯🇵Oneshot,Doujinshi,Animals,Comedy,Video Games,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life,Adaptation
I'm A (Fake) Saint Who Was Summoned To Another World, But Apparently I'm Fated To Die If I Don't Marry The Prince

I'm A (Fake) Saint Who Was Summoned To Another World, But Apparently I'm Fated To Die If I Don't Marry The Prince

Leveling Murder

Leveling Murder

Leveling Murder - Shuu ni Ichido Hito wo Korosanai to Jibun ga Shinde Shimau no de, Sore Nara Isso Kanzenchoaku Shiyou to Omoimasu / レベリング・マーダー / レベリング・マーダー ~週に一度人を殺さないと自分が死んでしまうので、それならいっそ勧善懲悪しようと思います~
Shioyama Koto / Sudekuma
Seinen(M),Action,Fantasy,Mystery,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Vol.1 Chapter 1

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