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Story of Herself
おひとり様物語 / Ohitorisama Monogatari / Ohitori-sama Monogatari
Kiss / Fumiko Tanikawa / 谷川 史子
🇯🇵Josei(W),Slice of Life
A Hot, Romantic Night
暗くなるまで待てない / Kuraku Naru made Matenai / Kuraku naru made Matenai, A Hot Romantic Night, I Can't Stand not Kissing You, Pink Mosaic Kiss, To the Point that I'm Dizzy
Yuki Yoshihara / 吉原 由起
Ai kara Hajimaru
アイからはじまる / Sugarless Kiss, Tsunde-Renjou
Ribon Magazine / Moe Yukimaru / 雪丸 もえ
Captive Hearts
とらわれの身の上 / Toraware no Minoue / Real no Arashi, Real Storm, Jikan wo Kourasete, Let the Time Freeze, Kiss no Hontou no Imi wo Oshiete, Tell Me the Real Meaning of That Kiss, Pere Noel no Nagai Yoru, The Long Night of Pere Noel
LaLa / Matsuri Hino / 樋野 まつり
Kiss of the Rose Princess
薔薇嬢のキス / Barajou no Kiss / Kiss of the Rose Maiden
Asuka / Aya Shouoto / 硝音 あや / Aya Showoto
Love Sex, Kiss
ラブセックス、キス / Love Sex Kiss, Dynamite Glamour, My Sweet Lover Boy, Smoking Call, Red-Pizza Blues, Pension, Sugar Fixx,
Tasuko Sutei / 捨井 タスコ
Happy Cafe
幸福喫茶3丁目 / Shiawase Kissa 3-choume / Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume, Suitei Seinen Shoujo, Hana to Ageha, Natsu, Number One DX, Sora no Namae
Hana to Yume / Kou Matsuzuki / 松月 滉
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
A Bloody Kiss Tonight
今宵は君と血のキスを / Koyoi wa Kimi to Chi no Kisu wo / Koyoi wa Kimi to Chi no Kiss wo, The Kiss of Blood
Makoto Tateno / 立野 真琴 / Dear+
Issho ni Ofuro
いっしょにおふろ / Bathing Together, Having a Bath Together, Kandagawa Rhapsody, Kiraboshi no Dance, Santa no Kiss, Orange no Machi
Deluxe Betsucomi / Taamo / タアモ
Kiken na Honey
危険なハニー / Dangerous Honey, Kaizoukei Darling, Kiss made no Ondo, Motto, Zutto, Gokujou Narcissist
Cheese! / Natsumi Honda / 本多 夏巳
Lies & Kisses
うそとキス / Uso to Kiss / Utso to Kisu, Lies and Kisses
Aqua Comics / Masara Minase / 水名瀬 雅良 / Flourish / ça et là / Seventh Sea
Metamo Kiss
メタモ☆キス / Metamo☆Kiss / Mo Fa Kiss, Fukushima Metamo Kiss
Asuka / Sora Omote
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Gender Bender
Himitsu no Ai-chan
ヒミツのアイちゃん / Ai-chan's Secret, Tenohira no..., 18 made ni Shitai xx na Koto!, Yadogiri no Shita de Bokura wa Kiss wo Suru, Koisuru Tantei
Cheese! / Kaori / undefined 花緒莉
Replicant no Kiss
レプリカントのKISS / Kiss from a Replicant
Asuka Ciel / Sakuya Fujii / 藤井 咲耶
Kiss yori mo Hayaku
キスよりも早く / Faster Than a Kiss, Tsuki to Himawari, Moon and Sunflower
LaLa / Meca Tanaka / 田中 メカ
Koori no Kiss de Toroketai
氷のキスでとろけたい / Misu no Kiss De Toroteki, Koori no Kisu de Toroketai
Sho-Comi / Miyabi Asami / 麻見 雅
The Aristocrat's Blue Kiss
貴族の青い接吻 / Kizoku no Aoi Seppun / Kizoku no Aoi Kuchizuke, The Aristocrat's Blue Kiss
Ruri Fujikawa / 藤河 るり
Princess Jellyfish
海月姫 / Kuragehime / Kuragehime Heroes, Eiyuu Restuden
Kiss / Akiko Higashimura / 東村 アキコ
1🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Crossdressing,Romance,Slice of Life
After 5 wa Kiss no Ame
アフター5はkissの雨 / Christmas ni Naru Made Matte, Muko x Muko, Haru yo Koi, Spring Love
Be x Boy GOLD / Nabako Kamo / 果桃 なばこ
Tsuki ni Kiss no Hanataba wo
月にキスの花束を / A Bouquet of Kisses for the Moon, A Bunch of Kisses to the Moon
Cheese! / Miyuki Kitagawa / 北川 みゆき
Cannot Kiss for 24hours
24時間KISSできない / 24-jikan Kiss Dekinai / Even if You are Not Here, Kimi sae Inakereba
Magazine Be x Boy / Hana Umezawa / 梅沢 はな
Yogoto Nayamashii Niwa de
夜毎悩ましい庭で / Yogoto Nayamashii Niwade, Yogoto Nayamashii Niwa - Lover´s kiss
Biblos / Sakuya Fujii / 藤井 咲耶
Kimi sae Inakereba
君さえいなければ / Kimisae Inakereba, 24-jikan Kiss Dekinai
Be x Boy GOLD / Hana Umezawa / 梅沢 はな
🇯🇵Romance,Shounen ai
Sennen ni Hitotsu no Koi
千年に1つの恋 / 1000 Years 1 Love, Lying Words Honest Kiss, 1000 Years of Love
Biblos / Shin Mizukami / 水上 シン
Study Hard!
勉強しなさい! / Benkyou Shinasai!
Hinako Takanaga / 高永 ひなこ / ANAGURANZ / Generous Kiss
🇯🇵Comedy,Shounen ai
Go With a Kiss!
キッスでGO! / Kiss de Go! / Kiss de Go, Go With a Kiss, With a Kiss, Go!, Kiss de GO!
Nachika Ozaki
Whole Your Kiss and Heart
あなたのキスも心も全部 / Anata no Kiss mo Kokoro mo Zenbu
Magazine Be x Boy / Ai Hasukawa / 蓮川 愛